Monday, March 31, 2008

Msu Blog

WelCome to MSU BLOG

Welcome to the home of MSU blogs. This is your space on the world wide web to tell all. You can share your views about MSU, your faculty, department or class. But dont merely stop at talking about MSU instead share your views on the city, your local area, country and why, even the world. You might know something that can be of help to others or someone out there might have some information that might come in handy for your - be it how to crack the CAT or prepare for campus interviews. The idea behind this website is to provide a platform to express your opinions, views, raise demands (in the hope that the powers that be would listen) and seek answers or even let out your emotional frustration (did well in exams yet could not get the desired marks or was unfairly left out of MBA entrance exams). What you can do here is limitless. Be creative, be bitchy (within the realms of decency, of course!). So let your fingers dance on the keyboard in the hope that collectively we can turn msublog into an effective forum of sharing, telling and learning aboard. msuBoy :)

This is just a First Part, Do visit frequently, for up to minute update, which I am going to post soon

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